Endless space 2 sphere of influence
Endless space 2 sphere of influence

This article has been updated to reflect these changes. Note: empire approval modifiers changed drastically with the release of the Disharmony expansion. Ideally you want to avoid this high dust usage altogether - if not, establishing trade with an ally can help avoid needing to do this.

endless space 2 sphere of influence

This links approval to military might - the more you fight, the more dust you need for ships. The second is tax rate: high taxes mean low approval. Therefore the rate of expansion should keep pace with technologies that reduce maluses and increase approval.

endless space 2 sphere of influence

Especially notable are high-class planets - especially lava/barren or above, which increase disapproval significantly. Every system that is colonized will add some disapproval through population growth or system count. The single main conscious decision factor is expansion and colonization. Ideally you will keep your approval in the good-ferverent area on planets that are growing or are industrial planets. It is important to balance and account for all the factors that influence approval, and keep the rating as high as possible (while not limiting the empire in any area). Low approval rates will decrease production of every one of the FIDS, slowing growth. With a bad rating, your empire is likely to literally go on strike.

endless space 2 sphere of influence


How the approval system works, and how to keep approval as high as possible, are questions asked quite often. Managing approval is a crucial part of playing Endless Space. Endless Space approval system - basic tutorial

Endless space 2 sphere of influence